Saturday, October 9, 2010

Meet Molly: An American Girl

Author: Valerie Tripp
ISBN: 0937295078
Publisher: American Girl Publishing, 1986
Age: 9-12
Genre: Historical

Summary: Molly McIntire is a 9 year old, precocious girl living during World War II.  She hates turnips, wishes her sister would stop trying to act grown up, and learns about the need for Victory Gardens.  Molly and her two best friends have a hard time deciding on Halloween costumes, but finally settle on being hula dancers with homemade grass skirts.  Molly’s older brother, Ricky, is a pest and so Molly and her friends decide to play a trick on him.

Read A-likes: The American Girl series, and Little House in the Big Woods.

Series: The American Girl Collection.

Personal Thoughts: These books are so much fun!  Not too long, so they don’t overwhelm a young reader, but include quite a bit of the history of that specific time period.  It shows the difficulties and triumphs of war time living that doesn’t completely overwhelm young readers, and yet they have an element of humor that makes for a very enjoyable read.

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