Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Catherine Called Birdy

Author: Karen Cushman
ISBN: 0064405842
Publisher: HarperCollins, 1995
Age: 9-12
Genre: Historical fiction

Summary: Fourteen year old, Catherine feels trapped.  Her father is determined to marry her off to a rich man – any rich man, no matter how awful.  Her mother wants her to be a lady trained, and her brother Edward taught her to read and write because even girls shouldn’t be ignorant.  But by wit, trickery, and luck, Catherine manages to send several would-be husbands packing.  Then a shaggy-bearded suitor from the north comes to call – by far the oldest, ugliest, most revolting suitor of them all.  Unfortunately, he is also the richest.  Can a sharp-tongued, high-spirited, clever young maiden with a mind of her own actually lost the battle against an ill-mannered, pig-like lord and an unimaginative, greedy toad of a father?   

Read A-likes: The Midwife’s Apprentice; The Door in the Wall; and The Shakespeare Stealer.

Personal Thoughts: This book is so amusing, but not at all what one would expect from a book set in Elizabethan times. Catherine is a sharp tongued, clever and adventurous young woman that revolts against the life expected of her.  The book is written in diary format, which makes it an easy read, but also gives it a more personal, realistic feel. 

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