Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Snow White and Rose Red

Author: Patricia C. Wrede
ISBN: 0142411213
Publisher: Firebird, 2009
Age: 9-12
Genre: Fairy Tales, Fantasy

Summary: The Queen of Faerie has two half mortal sons.  Hugh is content to stay in Faerie, but John feels compelled to roam mortal lands, returning home to visit between Hallowe’en and May Eve.  Then, because the beautiful but willful spirit Madini wishes to see all ties between Faerie and mortal lands severed forever, he is forbidden to leave home again.  Snow White and Rose Read live on the edge of the forest that conceals the ever-shifting, elusive border of Faerie.  They know enough about Faerie lands and mortal magic to be most concerned when they find two human sorcerers setting spells near the Faerie border on the day of All Hallows.  And when the kindly, intelligent black bear wanders into their cottage some months later, they do not realize the connection between his plight and the sorcery they saw in the forest. 

Read A-likes: A Matter of Magic; Princess of the Midnight Ball; The Thirteenth Child; The Seven Towers; and Princess of Glass.

Personal Thoughts: An interesting, fun, and complex adaptation of a familiar fairy tale.

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