Friday, November 26, 2010

The Constitution of the United States

Author: Karen Judson
ISBN: 0894905864
Publisher: Enslow Publishers Inc., 1996
Age: 8 and up
Genre: Non-fiction

Summary: In The Constitution of the United States you delve into the history and ramifications of this important document which consists of a preamble, seven articles, and twenty-seven amendments.  Included is information about the delegates to the Constitutional Convention, and a discussion of the Bill of Rights and other amendments.

Read A-likes: Political Parties of the United States; The Presidency of the United States; and The Supreme Court of the United States.

Personal Thoughts: I love books like this, because at heart I am very much a history buff especially books about the Revolutionary War time period.  I was a political science major as an undergrad and it was fun to revisit the information that I spent so much time learning a while ago.  Books like this are extremely important, in my opinion, because the subject isn’t being taught as diligently in a school setting as it should be.  Not only are these books useful for tweens and teens, but also for adults wanting to learn basic information about the way our great country works. 

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