Friday, November 12, 2010

The Scandinavian Vikings

Author: Louise Park and Timothy Love
ISBN: 0761444459
Publisher: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2009
Age: 9-12
Genre: Non-fiction

Summary: Who were the Vikings?  Where did they come from?  These are the first of many questions asked and then answered in this book.  Within its pages you learn about Viking social classes, their longships, raiding, key historical figures, Viking longhouses, the roles of men and women, clothing and jewelry, armor and weapons, religion, and burials and funerals.  A brief history of Leif Eriksson is also given along with a look at Viking expansion in the world.

Read A-likes: The Japanese Samurai; The Medieval Knights; The Roman Gladiators; and The Spartan Hoplites. 

Personal Thoughts: This book is part of a series written by the same authors entitled Ancient and Medieval People, and each book highlights the heroes of the day, spotlights key historical events, timelines, and quick facts.  Well presented information in a fun and easy format for young kids to enjoy. 

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