Friday, November 12, 2010

Great Medieval Projects You Can Build Yourself

Author: Kris Bordessa
ISBN: 0979226805
Publisher: Nomad Press, 2008
Age: 9-12
Genre: Non-fiction

Summary: Within the pages of Great Medieval Projects the reader gets to immerse themselves in everything medieval.  From the history of the making of medieval Europe, to information about the kings and queens, knights and their armor, warfare, castles, villages, homes, cities and towns, beliefs, and even feasts, this book is a trip back in time.  Also included are numerous projects for the reader to complete such as creating your own heraldic shield, building a trebuchet, a marshmallow cannon, a jester hat, juggling sticks, and even chain mail.  There are also several recipes to make foods from the medieval time including almond milk, butter, potage, trenchers, pokerounce, and even insect repellant.  You learn about the hygiene and even the medical procedures of the day.  Fascinating from the first page!

Read A-likes: Great Civil War Projects; Great World War II Projects; Amazing Kitchen Chemistry Projects; Great Colonial America Projects; and so many more!

Personal Thoughts: This book is not only a fabulous book for kids, young boys especially, but it also would be a helpful classroom tool for history and social studies lessons.  With the easy projects with well written instructions and history that accompanies each project it is a great tool for teachers and parents alike.  This book is part of a larger series entitled “Build It Yourself”.

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