Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl

Author: Anne Frank
ISBN: 067182449X
Publisher: Pocket Books, 1958
Ages: 10 & up
Genre: Classics, Historical

Summary: Anne Frank was your everyday, ordinary Jewish girl living in Amsterdam in 1942 when a “call up” was issued by the occupying Germans and the entire family went into hiding in what they called the “Secret Annexe”.  Also living with them in the small hidden apartment was the Van Daan’s which included their son, Peter.  Through diary entries, which are written as letters to her imaginary friend, Kitty, Anne shares her experiences, thoughts, hopes, and dreams through the long two years living in hiding. 

Read A-likes: Number the Stars  

Personal Thoughts: I don’t know many people that did not immediately fall in love with this book from the very beginning.  It is an inspiring and poignant glimpse into the reality that was World War II to a young girl.  The wit, intelligence and belief in human goodness that Anne portrays is something that has left an enduring mark on me since the very first time I read it many years ago.  This book teaches survival and endurance, living through hardships, and even relationship maintenance.  This book gives the reader a sense of hope in having happiness even during incredibly hard times. 

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