Monday, September 20, 2010

The Witches

Author: Roald Dahl
ISBN: 0590032496
Publisher: Puffin Books, 2007
Ages: 8 and up
Genre: Fantasy

Summary: This is a book about real witches…not the ones that wear silly black pointy hats and ride of broomsticks, but the REAL ones that wear regular clothes and live among us every day.  A young goes to live with his grandmamma and she tells him about witches and how to recognize one.  They have telltale signs such as abnormal nostrils, their baldness and that they have no toes.  He ends up stumbling across a meeting of witches and ends up meeting the head witch, and from there all kinds of magical, horrible things happen!

Read A-likes: The BFG, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, and Fablehaven series.

Personal Thoughts: This book is incredibly imaginative.  It takes all the preconceived norms of what people imagine witches to be and completely blows them apart.  Such a creatively written tale that will keep the reader absorbed right up until the end.  This is a book that I, as a child, read religiously several times a year and have never lost interest in.  A quick, fun “fluff” book for any age to enjoy.

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