Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites

Author: Chris Heimerdinger
ISBN: 1555031315
Publisher: Covenant Communications, 1989
Age: 10-14
Genre: Fantasy

Summary: Jim Hawkins has a bad attitude about everything, including church.  Garth Plimpton is the exact opposite, he’s spent so much time studying scripture and books on archeology that he can’t even carry on a normal conversation with other kids.  Through an unusual chain of events these two boys becomes the best of friends and embark on a remarkable journey into a time and place beyond their imagination.  Join Jim, Garth and Jim’s sister Jenny as they travel into a world where danger and suspense are a way of life. 

Read A-Likes: Fablehaven, Tennis Shoes Series, and the Hunger Games series.

Personal Thoughts: This book is written by an LDS author, with LDS elements and is very popular among tweens, teens and even adults.  It is a fun, engaging adventure for anyone, which will capture you from the very beginning and not let go.  This book is the first in a series of 11 books.


  1. Did you like this series as much as Fablehaven? I never really got into Tennis Shoes. I'm glad 11 finally came out. I worked in an LDS bookstore and I had people asking me about 11 for years.

  2. I haven't had a chance to read Fablehaven's on my list for this semester (since I now have an excuse to take the time to read it), but I have to admit I LOVE the first 4 books of the Tennis shoes series. I got to busy to finish the entire series, but I know my sisters are thrilled about the new book! :D
