Monday, September 6, 2010

Author: Louisa May Alcott

ISBN: 0316030864
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company (1996)
Ages: Grade 6 and up
Genre: Historical

Summary: Orphaned when her father dies, Rose Campbell is sent to live at “Aunt Hill” with her six aunts and 7 rambunctious boy cousins. Her guardian, Uncle Alec, who is a doctor and a traveler, demands one year to do with Rose what he will to improve her health; he prescribes outdoor activities and fresh air as the needed “cure” to her sickly disposition, and soon she is caught up in the merriment with her 7 cousins and becomes a confident, strong, outgoing, young woman.

Series: Sequel is “Rose in Bloom”.

Read A-likes: Rose in Bloom, Little Women, Little Men, Jo’s Boys.

Subject/Theme: Learning to cope with new surroundings, loss of parent, and being yourself.

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